How to host a modded minecraft server?

Minecraft is a beloved game renowned for its simplicity, user-friendliness, and entertainment value, attracting a vast community of gamers. Players control a character who navigates the game world, undertaking tasks to construct and shape their environment. Despite its seemingly straightforward premise, Minecraft offers depth and endless possibilities, contributing to its widespread popularity and addictive nature.

One of the game's appealing features is its versatility, allowing players to enjoy it solo or with others in multiplayer mode. To engage in multiplayer gameplay, players typically rely on hosting servers. These servers provide the infrastructure necessary for multiple players to connect and interact within the same virtual world.

However, for those who prefer more control or want to avoid the need for external hosting services, there's the option to set up a personal server. This enables players to host their own Minecraft server directly, granting them autonomy over their gaming experience. But how does one go about setting up their Minecraft server with mods? Most users don't even know how to make a modded Minecraft server.

Are you ready to learn how to make a modded Minecraft server and take your Minecraft adventures to the next level? Creating a modded Minecraft server allows you to customize your gameplay experience and explore new possibilities. In this article, you will find out how to host a modded Minecraft server.


Before diving into how to make a modded Minecraft server, it's essential to ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • You'll need a computer with at least 4GB of RAM to run a modded Minecraft server effectively;
  • Stable internet connection;
  • Make sure you have a copy of Minecraft installed on your computer; 
  • You'll need access to the login information for your router. 

Steps: How to Make a Modded Minecraft Server? (Set up Modded Minecraft Server)

Below, we will go through the steps on how to host a Minecraft server with mods. Before starting make sure that Minecraft is be installed on your system. So, here it is supposed that Minecraft is already installed on your operating system. Now, follow the steps below to learn how to make a modded Minecraft server:

Step 1: Download and Install Forge Server

Download and install Forge on your system from the Minecraft Forge download page following the installation prompts.


Step 2: Run Forge Server Installer

After completing the installation, reopen the Forge installer. To launch Forge, double-click on the file named "forge-1.20.2-48.1.0-installer.jar." Click on the "Install Server" option and select the location to save this folder. Click on OK to start the process.

Once your download and installation finish, the following dialogue box will display on your desktop which means your installation process is completed successfully.

Step 3: Launch Forge Server and Accept EULA

Go to the directory where you installed the Forge server, for example, C:\Minecraft Forge Server.

Execute the “run.bat” file to initiate the server setup process. This action creates the necessary files and folders essential for running the server. Once launched, you will notice folders such as logs, eula.txt, and mods within the Forge directory.

Next, open the eula.txt file generated during this process using a text editor like Notepad. Locate the line that reads eula=false within the file. Change the value from eula=false to eula=true to indicate acceptance of the EULA.

Save the changes made to the eula.txt file and close the text editor.

Step 4: Download and Install Mods 

To learn how to make a modded Minecraft server, it's essential to have the necessary mods installed. Start by downloading the .jar files for the mods you want to use and make copies of them.

Next, navigate to the "mods" folder within your server directory. Paste the mod files into this folder. Additionally, you'll need to transfer the original mod files to the "mods" folder located in the .minecraft directory.

To access the .minecraft directory, press the Windows key and type "%appdata%" into the search box. Look for the .minecraft folder. If there isn't a "mods" folder already present, create one and place all the mod files into it.

Step 5: Reduce Lag

Before relaunching the server, there's a method to significantly reduce lag both on the server and on your computer. Begin by right-clicking within the Server folder and creating a new text document named "Server Launcher."

Open the newly created text document and input the following text:

java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar forge-1.12.2- -o true nogui

The number "2048" in the text determines the amount of RAM allocated to the server, where 2048 represents 2GB, and 4096 represents 4 GB. Adjust this number based on your desired RAM usage.

Once the text is pasted into the document, click on "File," then "Save As." Change the "Save as Type" to "All Files" and rename the file from "Server Launcher.txt" to "Server Launcher.bat."

Finally, double-click the .bat file whenever you wish to start the server. Launch the server, allow it to fully load, and then close it.

Step 6: Port Forwarding and Find the IP Address (How to Make a Modded Minecraft Server)

Now that your server is working locally, it's important to enable connections from players with different IP addresses. Here's how you can do it:

Begin by searching "What's my IP" on a search engine like Google. Copy the IP address displayed on your screen.

Paste this IP address into the address bar of your web browser and press enter. This action will redirect you to your router's website where you can manage its settings.

Look for the "Port Range Forwarding" section within the router settings. Here, you'll need to input the following information:

Application Name: Minecraft server

Start ~ End Port: 25565 - 25565

Protocol: TCP

Device IP: Enter your computer's IP address

Enabled: True

Open the command prompt and type "ipconfig." Locate the line that displays your IPv4 address. Copy this IP address.

Your server setup is now complete. To launch the server, double-click on the .bat file, start Minecraft and navigate to the multiplayer menu where you can enter your IP address.

You're now ready to connect to the server and enjoy your game with other players. If you are using a VPS server, this guide about how to make a modded Minecraft server will help you. 


Participating in modded servers offers a thrilling Minecraft multiplayer experience, allowing players to delve into custom maps enhanced with their favourite mods. We learned in this article how to make a modded Minecraft server. Setting up your own modded server is a straightforward process, akin to running a standard server. 

Don't hesitate to give it a shot and explore the limitless possibilities of modded gameplay. If you find this article helpful or are facing any problems, feel free to share your feedback. 

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