Terms of service

These terms represent a public offer. They are developed to govern the business relationship between Host-World (hereinafter - Company) and client. This public offer doesn`t require to be signed. If the client orders the services and pays for them, he/she expresses explicitly that he accepts the specified Terms as provided below. The Company reserves the right to modify or amend the mentioned document unilaterally. A preliminary notice to the client isn`t required. 


  • software and any other content that breach against the valid legislation of the respective country;
  • sites for the sale of goods and/or services that breach against the valid legislation of the respective country; 
  • pornography (among others, minors, animals (zoo), incest);
  • adult content, including links, except for the countries where such is permitted legally; 
  • malware, viruses, other malicious programs, and any links to them;
  • information theft, websites hacking, any other similar activities and practices;
  • software used for any types attacks, any proxy checkers, and similar; 
  • fraudulent sites, any HYIP projects, including links to them;
  • any spam, xrumer, grabbing, botnets, submitter, any similar software;
  • use IP addresses that are not yours; 
  • resources used for the distribution of any illegal narcotic elements and similar;
  • resources spreading any kind of racial or ethnic hatred;

In the case of abuse, the Company has a complete right to take the following measures: 

  • To block all the available the services until the mentioned violation is eliminated;
  • To disable the resource completely without refunding the made payment. 

If the Client's action directly or indirectly caused losses to the Company, the Company has a right to impose a fine. 


  • The Client is obliged to comply with all the rules specified in the Terms and Conditions.
  • The Client is obliged to notify the company about the suspension of the service use 15 days before the use term expires. The notification shall be submitted via the ticket system.
  • The Client is obliged to perform communication with the Company`s employees via the accessible communication means in adherence to ethical and professional standards.
  • The Client has a full right to be refunded the money if the funds are not used.
  • The Client has a full right to use any type of free technical support in cases when it is compliant with the Document. 
  • The Client has a right to access free admin services in accordance with the list of the mentioned services.
  • The Client has a right to defer any type of payment at the discretion of the Company.
  • CryptoCurrency payments are non refundable
  • We don't refund service due to inaccessibility IP in Turkmenistan


  • The Company reserves the absolute right to modify the rules for any type of service provision unilaterally. No notification is sent to the Client. 
  • The Company reserves the right to remove a VPS server or a Virtual hosting account if the payment for the mentioned service is overdue for 10 days. The data stored on the account can be returned in the case the payment for the expired period is made in full.
  • The Company might request any copies of passport data or other ID. 
  • The Company reserves the full right to terminate or suspend the account or server of a Client in the following cases:
    • Technical maintenance;
    • DDOS attacks;
    • Force majeure.


The Company guarantees the complete compliance of the provided resource with the requirements, as it is indicated in the tariffs. 

The company guarantees a reasonable compensation for any types of downtimes caused by the Company. The compensation is released exclusively in the form of an additional free period of service use. This guarantee extends to hosting and VPS services. 

The Company guarantees 99% UpTime except for the cases when equipment maintenance and software updates are performed, as well as in the case of DDOS attacks and force majeure, including downtime that occurred because of the actions performed by the Customer. 


  • The company doesn’t bear any kind of responsibility for the Clients`s choice of its OS to use, tariff, software, and any consequences of such choice.
  • The Company doesn’t bear any kind of responsibility for direct or any indirect damage, the operation of any type of third-party software or services, loss of client's business reputation and/or any financial losses associated with an interception, any type of data loss, DDOS attacks, and other circumstances related or not related to the client’s actions due to server downtime.
  • The Company doesn't have any access to any content type stored on the Client's servers. The Company doesn`t check the Client`s content for its complete compliance with the Terms unless there are complaints from any relevant third parties. 
  • The Company doesn’t bear any kind of responsibility for possible delays in the server installation if the mentioned delays reasons aren't in the Company control. 


The Company reserves the full right to refuse completely to provide the specified services to the Client in the case of any type of abusive treatment, including degrading the dignity of any of the Company's employee(s).

The Company reserves the full right to terminate completely the service provision in the case of violation of any of the mentioned rules.

The Company reserves the full right to prevent the placement of any materials that violate the universal principles of humanism. 


  • The Company has no right to establish the presence or absence of an offense. Only the relevant judicial and law enforcement authorities are authorized to do it
  • In the case of violation of intellectual rights, the copyright holder issues a complaint to the owner of the hosting service. The time shall be provided for the hosting service owner to reply to the complaint. 
  • If the complaint is ignored, the Company has the right to block the Client's website until a proper solution to the dispute is found.


We do not cooperate with international organizations whose activities are aimed at counteracting the spread of spam, viruses, phishing and similar types of cybercrime.

If your IP address is on third party lists, you can send a link to those lists to our abuse department. We will contact them and ask them to remove your IP address from there. However, in such cases, we do not provide a refund or replacement of the IP address.

In the event of further problems, customers, as users, must resolve this issue, acting in the ways they consider most appropriate, in relation to the one responsible for the lock applied.

We send IP for delisting, which are not in paid blacklists