How to use a source dedicated server?

Published on August 23, 2024, Updated on December 23, 2024

An SRCDS, or a Source Dedicated Server, is a special tool that runs the server Source game component without an appropriate client component. So, it simulates a game, but it does it without drawing the game. It is needed for those users who want to run a Source Dedicated Server on their PCs. It is needed when one creates a multiplayer mod to avoid issues connected with the work of dedicated servers.

If you set up your Source Dedicated Server in India, you can run any game on your computer. You control all the settings of a game. Moreover, you control those players who are playing your game. You can view them, and if they break the rules, you can kick them out from your Source Dedicated Server. To do it, you can either use the IP address of the misbehaving player or the SteamID of the mentioned player. You can remove the ban or change the ban time, whatever you prefer.

Don’t forget to set up a password that players need to type in if they want to play on your server. It is a wonderful option if you want your friends only to have access to your server. There is a special menu to set up the game. You can do it as you wish too. You can modify the rules, change the environment, and so on.

All in all, a Source Dedicated Server allows you hosting and managing a game and its participants.