VPS in Bulgaria

  • KVM VPS 2 GB
    • Country: Bulgaria
    • City: Sofia
    • CPU 2 x Xeon Core
    • RAM 2 GB
    • HDD 30GB
    • BANDWIDTH 1 Gbps
    • IPv4 / IPv6
    € 9/month
  • KVM VPS 4 GB
    • Country: Bulgaria
    • City: Sofia
    • CPU 2 x Xeon Core
    • RAM 4 GB
    • HDD 50GB
    • BANDWIDTH 1 Gbps
    • IPv4 / IPv6
    € 14/month
    • Country: Bulgaria
    • City: Sofia
    • CPU 4 x Xeon Core
    • RAM 8 GB
    • HDD 80GB
    • BANDWIDTH 1 Gbps
    • IPv4 / IPv6
    € 26/month
  • KVM VPS 12 GB
    • Country: Bulgaria
    • City: Sofia
    • CPU 6 x Xeon Core
    • RAM 12 GB
    • HDD 140GB
    • BANDWIDTH 1 Gbps
    • IPv4 / IPv6
    € 52/month
  • KVM VPS 16 GB
    • Country: Bulgaria
    • City: Sofia
    • CPU 8 x Xeon Core
    • RAM 16 GB
    • HDD 200GB
    • BANDWIDTH 1 Gbps
    • IPv4 / IPv6
    € 88/month
Benefits OF Host-World
  • Hardware

    in 17 countries

  • 9.9 seconds

    LiveChat response

  • 10 minutes

    technical request-response

  • multilingual


  • 99.9%


Blog company:
  • What is my administrator password for my VPS? What is my administrator password for my VPS?
    The administrator password is created when a VPS account is configured. It allows accessing all the functionality of the server. When you install the operating system on a VPS, the person with administrator-level access gets a password
  • Solving the SSH Permission Denied (publickey) Error: A Step-by-Step Guide Solving the SSH Permission Denied (publickey) Error: A Step-by-Step Guide
    The SSH Permission Denied (publickey) error message is something many of us have faced, and it's a real roadblock. But errors are guardians of mastery. Often, troubleshooting this error will give you insights about server management and network
  • What is the DNS server on VPS? What is the DNS server on VPS?
    A Domain Name System (DNS) translates domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. It allows clients to reach a specific server
  • How much does a VPS cost? How much does a VPS cost?
    The cost of your VPS might vary significantly depending on many factors. Reliable Moldova VPS hosting can cost just a couple of dollars per month. This option is good for websites that don’t have high requirements
Price: VPS servers Bulgaria
Item City Params Price
KVM VPS 12 GB Sofia 6 x Xeon Core/12 GB/140GB € 52/month
KVM VPS 4 GB Sofia 2 x Xeon Core/4 GB/50GB € 14/month
KVM NVMe VPS 8 GB Sofia 4 x Xeon Core/8 GB/80GB € 26/month
KVM VPS 16 GB Sofia 8 x Xeon Core/16 GB/200GB € 88/month
KVM VPS 2 GB Sofia 2 x Xeon Core/2 GB/30GB € 9/month
Reviews: VPS servers Bulgaria
Lora, 24.09.2020 Good. Works fine for me. Not really expensive even though there are cheaper options on the market. I think it is still worth its price. Would recommend this VPS provider to anyone who has a small or medium business.
anonymous, 14.02.2021 This service is definitely worth a try. You’ll rarely need any help from the host since all essential features work like a clock. I haven’t tried their support out yet but according to the reviews I’ve read online, it’s quite helpful. You can get anything necessary for building a beautiful website that will load in seconds. one of the most important things for a user is the time any page takes to load. I never got negative reviews about the speed or errors on my websites. Partially that’s because I have a great VPS.
Douglas, 17.01.2023 I moved to Host World dedicated hosting from another provider and can’t say anything bad about it. This company offers everything you may need: affordable pricing, a variety of solutions, high-quality customer and technical support, stable work, and many more. My website started working even better than before. If you cooperate with a reliable provider and want to start working with Host World, you won’t even notice the transition period.
Ashton Kutcher, 29.04.2022 I just moved my website here and can’t say anything about all the services, but things go quite smoothly. You know, there usually are difficulties when moving to a new place, like with a house. But here it’s seems that everything is perfect at the moment. I’ll update the review once a couple of months pass if something goes wrong.
Larry, 20.01.2023 Host World is a one-size-fits-all company. Both small and large businesses can use VPS services and feel satisfied with the way their websites work.
Oliver, 23.12.2021 I needed to install a file server for my organization. The VPS solution I found here has been very functional. File transfers are fast and reliable. The price is fair and the performance is quite good. I am glad I chose this provider.

VPS Bulgaria is gaining popularity every day. It provides rich management capabilities and a secure environment for running custom projects. VPS is more flexible than shared hosting, so many people choose this solution even though it is comparatively more expensive.

VPS and Virtualization Technology

VPS uses virtualization technology to divide one physical server into several virtual ones. Each virtualization server is different. But unlike physical servers, virtual servers don't have any special restrictions. Flexible resource distribution helps to satisfy user requests fully.

VPS is commonly used in business scenarios such as e-commerce platforms, ASP application services, data-sharing websites, online gaming resources, and database storage. In addition, VPS improves IP security. If a website uses a separate IP address, VPS facilitates search engine indexing and opens the SSL data transfer privacy protocol for increased security.


Common Misconceptions about VPS Hosting

Many Internet users have an incorrect idea about VPS in Bulgaria and its benefits. One of the most common misconceptions is that VPS hosting is expensive and difficult to set up. However, VPS servers are affordable and easy to install; rental is carried out virtually on a physical service.

Another misconception is that VPS hosting does not provide sufficient performance and reliability for web projects. On the contrary, VPS servers offer dedicated resources and security features to ensure your website runs smoothly and reliably. After all, when using VPS hosting, you do not have to share resources with other users, as with shared hosting.

Some people believe that VPS hosting is only suitable for large-scale web projects and is not a good choice for small websites or personal blogs. VPS servers can be used for various types of web projects, regardless of their size. In most cases, VPS Bulgaria hosting provides better performance and flexibility than other types of hosting. This way, you can ensure the uninterrupted operation of your website, regardless of traffic.

Best Practices for Managing Your VPS Server

Here are some popular practices for managing a VPS in Bulgaria:

  • Regular software updates. You should regularly update your operating system and all software packages. This will help eliminate security vulnerabilities and improve performance;
  • Firewall installation. Set up a firewall to block unwanted network traffic and protect against malicious attacks. Restricting access can significantly improve security;
  • Monitoring system. Install a monitoring tool to track server status, system load, resource usage, and other important information. Thus, you will detect and solve problems on time;
  • Data backup. Back up your data regularly to protect your information from loss. Keep backup copies in a safe place so that you can restore data if necessary;
  • Performance optimization. Optimize your server to reduce resource load and improve performance. This may include configuring caching, using optimized web server and database settings, removing unused programs and services, etc.;
  • Secure connection. Always use a secure connection via an SSL certificate. This will provide data encryption and protection from man-in-the-middle attacks.

Follow the above practices and improve your VPS server's security, performance, and reliability right away!

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